Whenever I am asked to do a task by trusted individuals, I take on the mindset that this is training me for the better in a new season of my life. Most of the skills I have attained or have discovered have come from opportunities (some may call inconveniences) that life has presented.
I never knew how good I was at planning if I were not asked to plan a friend’s book launch. I wouldn’t have known how well I work under pressure if I hadn’t said, “Yes” to an administration position for some time.
These are some opportunities that I have shared, but I know that you have had your share of opportunities that have come at inconvenient times.
The next time you are asked to do something, especially out of your comfort zone, do it! But choose to look at the situation differently. Don’t look at it as something that is “above your pay grade,” or, “I can’t do this.” Look at it as a step pushing you to a new place of growth and discovery of what God has put in you.
The Scripture, Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Is for you. God has hidden so many spiritual gifts in you to share with the world, but if you don’t know they are there and you do not take opportunities to train them, they will lie dormant and waiting.
Make the choice today!